Calculation examples

Summary report

Industry Average revenue (billions)
Technology 112
Hardware 80
Finance 24
Cybersecurity 3

Average revenue across all companies

Output: $52 billion

View calculation shortcode
[gravitymath scope="form" id="2"]

Total operating expenses across all companies

Output: $311 billion

View calculation shortcode
[gravitymath scope="form" id="2"]    round({Operating Expenses:3:sum}, 0)

Revenue minus operating expenses for Apple, Inc.

Output: $328.96 billion

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[gravitymath scope="entry" id="12"]
    {Revenue:2} - {Operating Expenses:3}

Average revenue growth for companies growing over 5% per year

Output: 39%

View calculation shortcode
[gravitymath scope="form" id="2" filter_5="5" op_5="greater_than"]
    round({Revenue growth:5:avg}, 0)

Operating margin for Nvidia Corporation

Output: 60%

View calculation shortcode
[gravitymath scope="entry" id="11"]
    round({Operating income:4} / {Revenue:2} * 100, 0)

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